
Recognition as a Peacekeeper

          ​​​​​​Desmond Tutu received global recognition for his work as a peacekeeper, including the Nobel Peace Prize, Gandhi Peace Prize, and Medal of Freedom.

Desmond Tutu recieving Nobel Peace Prize. Courtesy of South Africa History Online 

Desmond Tutu recieving Presidential Medal of Freedom. Courtesy of CNN

State of South Africa Today

          Desmond Tutu's fight for equality ended Apartheid in the 20th century yet racial barriers in South Africa in the form of financial inequality have reemerged in recent years. However, Tutu's history of peaceful work during the Apartheid guides how the fight against racism is fought today; the barriers are slowly breaking down.

Protest of Inequality in Post Apartheid South Africa. Courtesy of the Council of Foreign Relations

Protest of Wealth Inequality In South Africa. Courtesy of the Brookings Institution


          In due part to Tutu’s outspokenness and resolute fight for peace, justice, and forgiveness, South Africa remains a paragon of democracy today. Even when faced with immense adversity, Tutu always championed the notion that all barriers must be broken down for a harmonious world. His unrelenting influence is cherished today and has caused reverberations all throughout world, reminding all that the conquest for peace is essential for God’s rainbow children to live on another day. 

Desmond Tutu. Courtesy of The Independence


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